I've always loved seeing what bloggers are up to. It's a lovely little view of their day to day life. So I thought I'd do this once a month or so to show you how rather boring my little life can be! Definitely share your current happenings in the comments!
Oranges and Sunshine: Empty Cradles by Margaret Humphreys
I just finished my first book in my 2016 Reading Challenge, by finishing up We Band of Angels: The Untold Story of American Women Trapped on Bataan by Elizabeth M. Norman. (Look for my review coming soon!!) This is the next book in my list. So far, Oranges and Sunshine it's quite the easy read and isn't as dry as I thought it would be. It definitely is more of a casual storytelling than a clinical discussion of the British child migration scheme. I'm excited to read more.
Boardwalk Empire! Nate and I started watching it on Christmas (Festive, no?) and are just starting Season 3. Neither of us had really watched it before and it has always been on my "Must one day Watch" list. Steve Buscemi is such an amazing actor. I started out really liking Margaret's character and truly despise her now (Does something bad happen to her? I hope so. She's so annoying) Van Alden I hated and felt the character was wooden and not memorable at all. But he's definitely improving and I look forward to his scenes now. Although I'm a bit lost on how he went from hiring the nanny to Poof! Married and has a kid with her! Did I miss a season somewhere?? Is there a webisode I'm not aware of? Was that in her job description? I'm curious.
My favorite character is easily Richard Harrow. I love how calm he is and just goes about his life never bothering anyone (well, aside from the men he tends to kill...) And I hope they continue is story line and let him flesh out his character even more. (PLEASE NO SPOILERS!! If he dies soon I'll be heartbroken)
I've been on a podcast kick lately. I just love listening to them while I'm working. It breaks up the dead silence of the house during the workday and I've been playing them when Nate and I drive to Prescott or Flagstaff on weekends. I've recently been listening to "Up Yours; Downstairs" which is a Downton Abbey podcast. I like the format of this one as they don't just recap the episodes, but they also discuss historical events going on during the episode as well as fashion/cultural changes during the series. However, their Series finale/2015 Christmas episode recap has put me off a bit as one of the hosts was eating during the recording (Sour Skittles as she said on Twitter)
Hearing people eat is one of the things that makes my skin crawl so it may be a bit before I listen to anymore from them. What podcasts are you listening to? I need some new ones. The recent season of Serial is quickly becoming a bit boring and I'm mostly caught up on my SYSK and Stuff You Missed In History Class so I'm running out of stuff to listen to :(
Earl Grey tea. I need to switch to a stronger tea in the morning. But that day will not be today. I have a box of English Breakfast that is much stronger than my Earl Grey (And I think I even have some Irish Breakfast in the cupboard somewhere..not sure I'm ready for that yet though!)
Running shorts, a tank top and a hoodie. My favorite working from home outfit.
Someone mentioned this pattern in a vlog I was watching this weekend so I, of course, had to go find it. It's a bit on the pricy side but so worth it. It's absolutely lovely. There is an entire line and I may have to buy it all one day. It's the Denby Lucille Gold teapot. (It also comes in silver) It's $60.35 in the US and a bit cheaper in the UK at £31.33 (which if I remember my conversion math it's about $45). So gorgeous. Maybe one day..(Seriously check out the entire line. It's amazing)
Someone mentioned this pattern in a vlog I was watching this weekend so I, of course, had to go find it. It's a bit on the pricy side but so worth it. It's absolutely lovely. There is an entire line and I may have to buy it all one day. It's the Denby Lucille Gold teapot. (It also comes in silver) It's $60.35 in the US and a bit cheaper in the UK at £31.33 (which if I remember my conversion math it's about $45). So gorgeous. Maybe one day..(Seriously check out the entire line. It's amazing)
I don't really have much that I'm dreading right now. I need to get through a rather long to-do list for work today. But I think once I get through it, it won't be terrible.
I've been binge watching weekly vlogs lately. I'm not even sure why I love them. But they're so entertaining to watch. My favorites right now are Brogan Tate xo and xAmeliax. I need to find more so that it doesn't look like I'm just completely obsessed with these people (I am)
Also, why don't we have Primark here? Who can we petition to get this going?
I hope your Monday is going great!
I don't really have much that I'm dreading right now. I need to get through a rather long to-do list for work today. But I think once I get through it, it won't be terrible.
I've been binge watching weekly vlogs lately. I'm not even sure why I love them. But they're so entertaining to watch. My favorites right now are Brogan Tate xo and xAmeliax. I need to find more so that it doesn't look like I'm just completely obsessed with these people (I am)
Also, why don't we have Primark here? Who can we petition to get this going?
I hope your Monday is going great!

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