Hi there! I'm Christina, the voice behind Saimaeve. I'm a twenty-something Southern girl currently living in the Valley of the Sun.
By night, I'm a military spouse, my husband serves in the USAF and I volunteer my time as a Key Spouse helping the squadron families reach the resources they need to make the most of their military experience.
I'm also a mother to a spunky, outgoing girl Which keeps me on my toes and makes me thank my lucky stars I have the energy to keep up with her.
I enjoy cooking. Despite the fact I am truly horrible at it. I love to read, and am addicted to the Harry Potter series. I know, it's sad. I even have a Potter themed tattoo.
I love to shop and to try new products. Sometimes what I buy is a flop, sometimes it is not. I love clothes and all types of fashion. I struggle to find clothes to fit as a petite girl that is not going on to the retirement home in Florida and not going on The Price is Right.
I have a menagerie of pets. My big guy Geordi is a 25 pound, 11 year old butterball of a cat. Loki is a mute with the body of a cat, but the mind of a dog. Zayta is my loyal companion and co-worker. She was a Welcome Home from Deployment gift to my husband, but as been by my side since I brought her home.
Want to contact me? You can use my Contact form Here or email me at christina@saimaeve.com
My daughter Samantha is a spunky, bright and happy six year old. She loves science, dinosaurs and the Earth and dance. She is my guiding light and my Environmentalist child. Don't waste around her or she will give you a lecture about the damage to the Earth.
She is a friendly and loving child but has a temper as bad as her mother's. She's definitely my greatest adventure in life and keeps me young.

Ducky and I have been married for what feels like just a moment, but has been several years now.. We met at a party in Texas and became best friends. We finally eloped in the middle of a blizzard in South Dakota. We were outside. Yes, it was cold. Yes, I am insane.
He is currently serving in the United States Air Force and has been for 14 years. Military life isn't always easy. From deployments, to solo tours in Korea and the ever changing needs of the Air Force, we make it work and enjoy the adventures it brings.
Our family would never be complete without our zoo.
Zayta is our yellow Labrador Retriever. She is a rescue from Humane Society of the Black Hills and was a surprise Welcome Home gift for Ducky when he returned from his first deployment to the Middle East in 2010. She is the first dog I've ever owned. I've never been a big dog person. But she has completely changed me. She cuddles with me at night, she sleeps at me feet during the day, and she protects us from the evil, evil garden hoses.
Geordi is my adopted cat. He is a big ol' Southern boy and came to me from Atlanta, Georgia from my best friend, Brandon. Anytime he talks I imagine his voice has a southern accent. He is the most cuddly, most loving cat I've ever met. He's also 20 pounds and knows how to throw his weight around. I couldn't have gotten through the last deployment without gray hair if it wasn't for him.
He is usually asleep (and snoring). Unless he's eating.