One of my favorite pieces of jewelry is a copper cuff with a Latin quote engraved on it. (Although now that I think about, I have no idea where it is. I have three or four jewelry boxes that I need to go through and sort.) I've always been a voracious reader and love quotations. If I am reading a book, I will write down some of my favorite quotes just for a personal note.
While at Sami's birthday party, I met a woman that had asked where I got the invitations I sent out. When I told her I bought them from a seller on Etsy she was confused and had never heard of it. So, if you don't know what Etsy is, please check it out!
I may end up ordering a few or all of these. I am in desperate need of more accessories and I love Etsy. I know its not quite Buying Local. But its at least small business usually.
For those that can't make out the quote, (Hi Mom ;)) it says
"I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul"
(William Ernest Henley, Invictus)
I've always had a thing for compasses. Not sure why. But this is simple and meaningful. I am a sucker for good packaging, and Lulubug Jewelry even posts a photo of their packaging. (Awesome Marketing!) They also photograph their products well. There isn't a huge about of post production if any. No flash, descriptions are very well written and informative and their shipping costs are decent.
They also offer a similar compass necklace with the quote: "Now voyager, sail thou forth to seek and find" Which is from Walt Whiman's poem "The Untold Want" I believe and a piece that just might end up either in my jewel box or in a future WW.
"It is our choices...that show what we truly are. Far more than our abilities"
I love that this quote is hidden on the inside of the cuff. It keeps strange people from grabbing your wrist and twisting your arm so they can read your bracelet (Yes, this has happened often when I wear stuff like this) I love copper. Im not even sure why, but I just love the rough look of this and the earthy tone. It will definitely go with a lot of things and who doesn't love a Potter quote?
Fireweed Impressions has a very nice selection of items. They have something for everyone it seems. Including some awesome mother/daughter cuffs that I want to get for me and Sami. Erin, if you're reading this, I think you and Sage should get them too. I bet you can figure out which ones I'm talking about!!
Fireweed Impressions is based out of Canada, so remember that when ordering as shipping costs may be higher and shipping times may be longer. I've not purchased through them yet. But from what I've checked out they have a pretty good business practice and run things pretty smoothly.
Their packaging is pretty too. Simple and clean.
"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also"
Matthew 6:21
also on the gravestones of
Lily and James Potter in
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
It's much more delicate than the others. Which I think is a nice change. And the quote is one of my life mottos. Because it really is a deep truth.
"Not All Those Who Wander are Lost"
J.R. R. Tolkien
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Who can resist Tolkien? Again, compasses are awesome. It's copper and it's not very common.
Love it. Want it. Need it.
To Thine Own Self Be True"
William Shakespeare
Something we all need help remembering at times...
(OK, so it's 28 minutes late. It's still Wednesday in California.)
So if I could only choose one. Which would you suggest I pick?
Or! Do you have more Literary Jewelry ideas??? I'm all ears.
My favorites would be the bracelet that says "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" and the necklace that says to thine own self be true.
ReplyDeleteThese are SO precious! I seriously want one. If only...