So Im linking up with Ashley at Ashley's Carnival Ride this week for the Sunday Social.
(It's still Sunday here!)
Check out her blog and the other people linking up! Great way to meet some new bloggers!
This Week’s Questions:
1. Name 4 jobs you’ve had in your life: Nanny, Hostess, Bear Builder, and now Social Media Specialist.
By far my fav is my current job. Social Media all day?? Bring it.
2. Name 4 movies you would watch over and over:
Love Actually, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, any of the Harry Potter movies, and Cool Runnings.
Have I dated myself yet? I was in love with this movie since it came out. So amazing. The accents are horrible, and it's super cheesy. But Alan Rickman is so hot in it.
Uhhh How can you NOT watch this and smile? It's the ultimate in Feel Good Disney crap.
Even if it's historically inaccurate, I don't care! And no one can resist John Candy and Doug E. Doug.
Shockingly, I just watched this for the first time some time last year. I've been living in a cave for the last decade. And the fact it's an Alan Rickman movie? Be still my beating heart. Plus, it backs up what I've always claimed that. Love is actually all around. It's not just romantic love. It's not always perfect. And it's not always textbook.
(Yes, yes it is an Alan Rickman movie. I'm a stalker. Deal with it)
Any and all of the Harry Potter movies. I own them all, I've DVRed the ABC Family ones, but every time it comes on (Which is all the freakin time) I absolutely must watch it.
3. Name 4 places you have lived:
Uhhh Abilene, Texas; Fayetteville, Arkansas, Dyess AFB, TX and Ellsworth AFB, SD. Boring life I lead.
4. Name 4 of your favorite foods:
I go through strange cravings. One month all I want are french fries. Another it's cheese puffs. But I can almost never pass up cheese, pretzels, fresh fruit, and steak. I love steak. I could never be a vegetarian because I am addicted to steak.
5. Name 4 things you always carry with you:
my iPhone (Even though I rarely ever make calls on it or even receive them) my Dept of Defense ID so that I can get home and exist on base, my keys (which I constantly lose) and lip balm. Even if I don't use it I have to have some nearby. I have three or four in my bedroom, 2 in my office, and 3 in my car. It's an addiction and I am AOK with that!
6. Name 4 places you have been on vacation:
uhhh I've not really been on many vacations. Atlanta, GA has been my favorite. Even if I never did much sightseeing. The friendship and the places I did go were always happy times. I feel recharged when I go to Atlanta. For some reason, just stepping out of the airport, lowers my blood pressure, relieves all the stress in my shoulders and gives me a huge sense of calm and relief.
An ex and I went with his family on vacation to Dowagiac, Michigan. It was an old resort that reminded me greatly of Dirty Dancing. If that resort had been a ghost town. It wasn't a great vacation. His family was dramatic and there were a lot of people there. But it wasn't horrible at least.
One of my favorite escapes, was one weekend when my ex, Matt, woke me up and said "Since we can't go to your family reunion, let's go to Arkansas!" we loaded up the car, and drove the 9 hours to Arkansas from Texas. It was amazing talking through the drive and being back in our hometown for a bit. Even if we were only there for a day. It was definitely worth it.
When my grandmother died when I was 16, my parents, brother and I went to Ft Lauderdale/Hollywood area for the funeral. My mother was already there and would be driving back with us. It was a long drive. And one of the firsts my father allowed me to drive by myself. On the way home after the funeral, my father decided to take us to Disney World. Which, nothing says I'm sorry about your loss like going to the Happiest Place on Earth!
In all actuality, it was a great trip. I hadn't been to Disney World since I went on a school trip a few years before. It was the last time we spent time together as a family. My parents had been divorced for a few years at that point. But it was the last time we were all together in a positive place without drama.
i love that Robinhood movie the soundtrack for it is awesome
ReplyDeleteI remember when that Robin Hood movie came out too...we still like it here..and my daughter watched Harry potter movies over and over
ReplyDeleteI too could never be a vegan anything...I am making steak tonight!!
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