New Project

So I've been wanting to do this for some time. But, as with my 30 Day Challenge (Which will get done...eventually) I obviously suck at follow through.

Have you ever seen the movie Julie & Julia? Fantastic movie. I originally watched it because I have an insane crush on Stanley Tucci. mmmmm hot sexy bald Italian men /drool

But I actually enjoyed the story line. Meryl Streep was amazing as Julia Child. She really captured the spirit and mulish but funny character Julia Child was. The love story, was amazing and based on the real Julia Child's marriage. I've also had several meltdowns in the kitchen like Julie did. Although she was a MUCH better cook than I am

Like Julie (Amy Adams' character) my job deals with the public. Although not in the same aspect as Julie's job, I don't deal with anything to do with 9/11, but I do deal with people. I love my job. But there are times when I am need a break and to step back. Hopefully this project will help me do that. Because God knows I need a stress reliever and a challenge in life.

Did I mention I suck at cooking? Yeah, I'm pretty horrible in the kitchen. I'm hopeful this will help me not only with my cooking skills, but to start stocking up my kitchen with all those fancy things like....a double broiler and a ladle.

I guess if you've not seen the movie, and haven't clicked the oh so informative link I posted (Since I am just as lazy) I'll give you a very brief synopsis of the movie. (Which is actually based on a book that is based on a blog)

Anyway, Julie decides to take on the challenge of cooking her way through Julia Child's cookbook "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" all 524 recipes within 365 days.

Um, I am totally not that ambitious. Plus, I would be the size of a Thanksgiving Day Parade float by the end of that.

So I picked a different cookbook.

(I really want that pot she is holding! Its so pretty

The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Ranch Wife
by Ree Drummond

I became a fan of The Pioneer Woman a few years ago when my co-worker introduced me to it. She cooks, she photographs and she obsesses about her dog.

a lot

Did I mention she likes her dog?

I don't plan to obsess over my dog. Although I already do

I have no idea how many recipes are in the book. And I am way too comfortable to get up and go count them. But there isn't 524. There are 256 pages, but some recipes take up 2-3 pages and some pages are full of horse photos.

Can I do it in a year? Doubtful. But I hope to at least be part of the way through it. You never know. I might get a productivity streak while N is deployed and do it. Though I doubt it....Because if I do that, I'll have a lot of food left over and no one to force it on.

I wonder, did Julie put on weight during this year? French food isn't known for being that low in fat and calories....

Yeah, I totally googled it. She gained about 20 pounds.

20 pounds is a lot for my frame. So I might just have to watch that.



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